The melody of life, play it!

Tuesday 29 November 2011


I have just met with my tuition teacher in Secondary School, he is really the best teacher I ever seen. Friendly towards students and being best buddies with us after ending class. What he told me is just to divide my time well and enjoy the University life when I chatted with him.

Yes, I admitted the importance of time management especially after going away form home and studying outside, parents are no more be my side anymore and they do not urge me again and again for studying anytime. I am now the only controller of myself and I decide everything in my daily life. So, the self-control and time management are extremely important in order to live a better study life.

Time really flies especially when I flashed back the moment I first entered University, I felt like this is indeed a  strange and not so comfortable place compared to my home. But now, I get used to it and starting to enjoy what I am having now. It is still a long journey to go in my academic, career and finally achieve quality and comfortable life I want, my journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and I cherish every single step I am going now.

Three more weeks to go

Stepping into the 13th week, again, this semester is going to end soon. Submitted all the assignments except English, I am now feeling better than the previous week. There are still three weeks to go before enjoying the wonderful SEM BREAK, it is not a long time, yet it is torturing especially when I decided to stay at INTI for the coming weeks. Final exam is just around the corner, I have not much time to prepare for it compared to last semester due to the absent of study break. However, I have to do well in it for topping up my marks lost in test 2. Be frank, I lost my confident after sitting for Test 2, am I aimed too much for myself? 
But I don't think so!

Friday 25 November 2011

Haiz! The bad Friday!

Finally it comes, the Friday that I have been waiting for a long time. The rushed time made me feeling homesick more than the previous time, I need to have a rest in my warm shelter. Too bad, I had to sit for the last paper of test 2-Economics before going back. After sitting for the ECO test, I started to realize that today isn't my good day due to my stupid mistakes did in the test. I didn't manage to plan my time wisely and this cause me to have time contraint and I lost more than 10++ marks. Well, I admitted this was my fault and I felt ok with that. However, the most worst thing came on my way going back to hostel!!!

Fiona asked me about the answer for a question in the test, then the strange feeling came towards me when I talked like alien and human with her. I wondered why I didn't understand what she was talking about then she pointed out the main thing which making me so depress now: don't tell me that you never touched the question?

Yes!!! My small eyes didn't noticed the question which printed at the next page !!!
Then I counted how much I lost, and I can tell you now, it is really a damn painful time for me!!!

Thinking back about my test 2 this week, I didn't perform well except for business test(at least I managed to complete it on time and I satisfied with what I did). I don't know why, yet I just feel like my luck on test two is too bad.

Haiz, goodbye for being in Dean's list next sem! T.T

Thursday 17 November 2011

Middle of the November.

Coming to the mid of the November, what does means?
A. Going to the end of this semester?
B. Semester break is coming?
C. Due dates of assignments are coming?!
D. Final exam is coming???!!!( Oh my god!)
E. All of the above.
No doubt, the answer for the MCQ above is E, the good news here is the semester is going to end and the break is coming, however for enjoying the semester break, there are still many missions to go.
The coming test 2, submission date for all assignments as well as final exam are there and waiting for me. This semester has no any mid-term break or study break for me, i start to wonder whether i manage to prepare well for the final exam. In facts, with less procrastination, i feel 'quite' ok for this semester compared to the previous one, yet i might not know what is happening next, will i suffer like last semester later? It's a question and waiting for me to answer. What I can do now is just manage my time well and do what I suppose to do. Be frank, I wish to be in the Dean's list again for this semester. With that, I feel that I am not wasting my time and my life here. All the best for me! =)

Friday 4 November 2011

The lesson in life

"Time is the cruelest teacher; first she gives the test, then teaches the lesson."

Just like Science, it always needs evidences and facts to support it and make people believe, here in our life, we need something to refer and experience when we are being taught for the lesson of life. When childhood, we used to be naughty and did not listen to parents' advices for not running all around. Once, when falling down, we felt the pain then we did not dare to do it again at the next time. Human are just stubborn, there is some people seem like always doing many things without thinking further. This kind of people is just like a naughty student who could not sit in the classroom with calm and silent, they don't like theories but prefer practical. They do things, they run, they fall, they look at their wounds and scars, then they understand the lesson. I am not criticism them, but just talking about another way of learning. It is not a bad thing, yet sometimes might leave you regret and sorry. Life is fair, you receive something when you lost something; you regret for something but you might gain something. Like a strict teacher, she might blame you when you fail in test, but soon you would be taught something from your false.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Assignment 1

Question A
            Based on my reading on articles about the “baby dumping” issue which is now becoming people’s topic of conversation, I am surprised that there are nearly 472 of baby dumping cases since the year of 2005 and it is possible to be more than the amount now. In addition, there are at least half number of cases which babies were found dead. It is terrifying enough to know that people in present era do not care about the value of life! From my readings, I concluded that almost all baby dumpers are teenagers who do not qualified to be standard parents yet. Not denying, baby dumping could be avoided if the parents of teenagers stop blaming their children and the society stop pointing fingers towards the young parents. Instead, what young mothers need are their mates to be with them, supports from family and at least some kindness from the society, but not ridiculing.
            There are many solutions from the government and different individual. Among the alternatives, I think the most effective one is no other than offering sex education for teenagers. Sex education should no more be a taboo due to the efficiency and effectiveness of internet nowadays allow teenagers to get whatever information they want online. Curiosity killed the cat; the inquisitiveness of teenagers could not be satisfied by adults’ perfunctorily answers toward them. Therefore, they could only use their own ways to find out their preferred answer about sex. However is all the information received by internet users credible and valid? Who knows? Proper sex education can effectively prevent teenagers from absorbing not reliable sex knowledge. On the other hand, there is another way to work with it-using the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) system to find out the young parents of dumped baby and hence take action on them, whether counselling, penalty or punishment. Although this may be a best solution to deal with the thorny social problem, yet the high cost and time consumption make this system tough to be implemented.
Question B
            There is always no smoke without fire; everything happens with its own reasons and causes. It is same on the baby dumping issue; one of the articles which I have read stated that porn is a major reason of baby dumping. As what has been discussed in the previous question (question 1), grown up teenagers would start to wonder about relationship between men and women when reaching their age. No doubt, everyone has this experience before, nothing wrong on that; it is just how we are going to respond on our question. In this case, some deal with their curiosity in a correct way and some do not. The advancement and rapid improvement of Information Technology allow teenagers to get porn materials online easily, and some may use mobile phones and computers to achieve their wants. With this, young teenagers who could not differentiate between true and false well might be affected badly by pornography and then make mistakes which can destroy their future.
            Looking into before-married sex issue which is becoming popular nowadays, it might be the main cause leads to baby dumping. In my opinion, many teenagers today are affected by western thinking which is more open compared to the Asia’s. This teenagers’ attitude is getting worse and be in a risking level due to poor sexual knowledge of them. Affecting by pornography, they would start to feel like having sex with their mates. The insufficient of contraception knowledge, however, lead to before-married pregnancy. Consequently, young couple would the people who feel like in the hot water. Without seeking help from anyone due to their sense of shame and guilt, dump the baby is one of the irrational ways to go.
            On the other hand, poverty is another factor leading to baby dumping problem. Birthing and growing a baby are not easy provided that the high living cost in the present era. Some parents, not only referring to those young couples, managed to birth their baby yet the high cost for growing baby up forces them to make such heart-broken decision. Not denying, life is sometime tough and we could never do everything following our mind. There is no any parents who do not love their baby, but the problem is, their economic condition does not allow them to give a comfortable life to baby. Being good to the baby, they are looking for someone else who is affordable to the high cost of growing up baby. Consequently, this also lead to another problem: Isn’t their way to give away the baby wrong? It could be another rational and safer ways to do so.
Question C (i)
            Since the cases of baby dumping is rising day by day with terrible speed, for sure there will be many impacts towards the whole society and even the whole country. Here, I am going to discuss about the impacts of baby dumping in society. First of all, baby dumping could change the society’s view of moral and ethnics. Baby-dumpers are irrational and immoral, they do not think properly before dumping the baby. As more cases happen, the society would start to consider baby dumping as a normal case due to their numb towards baby dumping news. This is danger enough if the society starts to treat baby dumping cases as normal and common. Just as the scenario happens, society will feel sick and troublesome to handle and overcome it. “Just let it happen, it is already normal. How can I manage to solve baby dumping problem? It is rising and tough now.” The society’s mind would be changed as it; they would treat baby’s life is not important.
Talking about the parents of dumped-baby, they may feel guilty and false in their whole life. I believe many baby-dumpers would feel regret after their action if they think further about it. In facts, how many parents can be the murderer to their children with so hardhearted and pitiless? The feeling of guilty and sorry, if serious, may lead to trauma in the parents, especially the ladies. In addition to that, the family of baby-dumpers could be affected too such as the parents of baby dumpers. In this case, they may feel ashamed and shameful to face the others providing that the society would point fingers and blame on them. Lack of proper moral education from family would be the point that society criticism on baby-dumpers’ family. Consequently, this may lead to bad social relationship between one another.
How about the dumped baby now? Not denying, many of them dead due to bad environment, starvation and some of them became foods for hungry animals. However, there are also some lucky babies could survive and discovered by kind people. The question is, the baby could be saved and growing up in a safer environment, but how will the baby feel when he grown up? For sure, psychological unbalanced would happened and sometimes cause social problems due to the baby’s unhealthy mind. Another thing is shamefulness of the baby about his background could make him to keep himself apart without interaction with the others. Again, this is a social problem too.
Question C (ii)
            Looking into impacts of baby dumping issue on nation, the most serious impact towards the whole country is no other than the falling of country image. In this case, baby dumping issue in our country would be the focus point of the world if it is still in the worse level. No doubt, the global is concern about such immoral and serious issue about the lives and the whole world would try hard to overcome it. Just as this happen, our country would be considered as “incapable” to solve our own problem; instead, we need help from the others in dealing with baby dumping issue. How will the outsiders and citizens think about our respected government? There might be negative comments about our country.
            On the other hand, the increasing of baby dumping issue could directly affect the populations of our country. When the aged finish their remaining path of life, but there is none of fresh blood born to replace the decreasing population, how? Yes, there are many new babies born every day, yet many of them would be dumped a few minutes later, there is no any difference compared to the days before their birth. By the decreasing of population and intellectual capitals, our country would become weaker in the coming decades.
            Talking about government’s action to overcome baby dumping issue, it is not easy to be done due to the high cost and complicated procedures that bringing troubles to the Malaysians. With referring to the articles which have been read by me, one of them stated that the government is planning to implement the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) system in finding the baby-dumpers and hence punish them. However, the cost of implementation is expansive and causes stress on the government. In order for the government to practice the system in shorter time period, they have to raise the large amount of money from citizens. Hence, higher taxes might be charged and this action then makes the burden of citizens to be heavier.
Moreover, the law about baby dumping might be enhanced and more rules and penalties would be applied. Here, the cost in applying it is not the main problem. The burdens of law enforcement officers and the policemen, however, are the main consideration. The distraction might affect their working performance and the Malaysia citizens would be the victims who receive their imperfect services that do not reach the satisfaction level. Lastly, the baby dumping issue is subjective to everyone and not every people judge it as the same. The diversity of opinions about baby-dumping, the law and the baby-dumpers would create another argument between one another and also within the government in political side.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Run out of time!

It has been a long time I never log in to my blog.
Test 1 was just finished two days ago, and i am having three-days holidays for Deepavali.

*Happy Deepavali to all my Indian friends =) *

At first, i guessed i will have a sweet time in these few days, however its just a dream. Assignments are there and waiting for me to complete. Seeing my to-do lists full on my wallpaper of laptop, i know i have to make good use of every second in these few days. Seriously, this is not really a holidays for me! I doubt, for all my friends who is dealing with assignments too.

Well, here comes to my time to continue doing assignments again. Haiz!
Hope that i could have at least some free time like now to......UPDATE MY BLOG.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Contrast essay outline

Since Steve Jobs introduced the very first  iPhone into the technology market, it had caused everyone all around the world crazy for his new invent product. Nevertheless, the launching of iPhone opened a new market path of the smartphone. The Android phone which is common used by the other smartphone companies such as Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and HTC. The iPhone and Android phones are the top two market leaders and competitors nowadays. The differences of these two phones are obviously to be seen.

Body Paragraph 1
-Different in operating system.
-Define operating system
-Define iPhone operating system (iOS)
-Define Android operating system
-Comparison between iOS and Android operating system
-Definition of user interface
-Explain iPhone user interface and Android user interface

Body Paragraph 2
-Contrast in the size of SIM card that being used
-The latest iPhone 4 and 4s are using Micro SIM card that are produced by Apple only for iPhone
-Android phones use normal size SIM card as normal phones use. 
-Advantages of both SIM cards
Body Paragraph 3
-Different in brand of both smartphones
-iPhone is only produced by Apple company, and monopolized by Apple
-The producer of Android phones are vary, such as HTC and Samsung
-Android phones and iPhone have their own specialists and features
-Different market demand
-Different customer groups
-They have their own advantages and disadvantages
-Choices are based on customer's needs

Tuesday 27 September 2011

What for?

" Love those who love you more and devote yourself less to those who don't "
Suddenly saw this sentence when surfing internet and I am quite agree about it. Indeed, there is no way that everyone around us treats us with the same way, there should be somebody loves us more, and somebody hates us. I never believe that anyone could actually treat everyone as just the same, it's impossible. The game of life is just simple to play, treat the others as how they treat us. It's worth to be nice with everyone who treats you well, however if they don't, WHAT FOR?

You're just waste your time and energy.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Submitting homework via blog -.-

  1.  We passed through the pretty street which full with floral.
  2. The boring lecture made Ah Beng to lost patient on it.
  3. Attitudes of broken homes' children have been investigated by psychologists.
  4. An angry client rushed into the manager's office.
  5. The witnesses of the accident must give statement in court.

An angel in the devils

Listening to a Chinese song, I was attracted by its calm and soft melody, I love that kind of melody which bringing the sense of comfortable.


 I love this part of the song (Directly translated from Chinese lyrics) -

"You're an angel from a group of devils
The way you make my heart broken is-
to let me smile until the last second
then I'll suddenly discover a knife that has been pierced by you on my bosom."

It's talking about the lovers nowadays, who is too stubborn in a relationship. Even thought they know well about their mates are not that good enough, however it doesn't change their mind in the relationship. Those in love are sometimes fool, this is indeed true. That's why those in love are willing to smile until the last second and dying like nothing happens.

One is killing the other who is willing to be killed, so in this scenario, who false? Is the one who helping to fulfill a wish to die,or the fool who is walking into the dead path?

Then, who is doing the right thing? Is the one who helping, or the one who is loyal to love until the last second?

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Down time

The second post for today.

Suddenly I feel like depress, I just need a quiet and calm place for me to have a rest, without any disturbance.

Sometimes, I prefer to have a down time for myself. Without doing anything, instead, just sit down and leave my mind blank. The laziness comes, but I don't feel like chasing it away, for the coming 5 minutes. In the 5 minutes, I could be every character I want, no one could control me, and no one has power to criticize me.

And now, the 5 minutes comes, I down.

It's seems like polite

Since childhood, we had been taught to be polite all the time. Of course, we practiced to say please and thank you when request and get something from the others. However, have you ever heard about some words like this:
" PLEASE take that for me, THANK YOU. "
Yes, we just feel like normal whenever hearing the others ask you to do this and that with a please and thank you. Here the question is, will you reject such "polite" request?

For sure, you will not reject, or in the other words, you might not know how to reject due to embarrassing. This scenario would let you be in the hot water especially when your friend ask you to do something that you are not willing to do.

Let's think deeper about this, don't you think that saying thank you in prior is actually a kind of forcing someone to do something that he or she is not willing to do? Shall we speak this sentence out loudly to answer those kind of request which seems like polite:

How if I say I don't want? 

Friday 9 September 2011

It is just a mask

Suddenly thinking of a literature- "The Phantom of the Opera" which has been read by me when I was Form Two. The main character, Erik is an ugly guy with a mask always on his face. He travels all around an opera which was built by him. He is scary, for no one knows his identities, no one knows his emotions, or even no one knows whether he is a phantom.

Sad to say that, there are too many Erik in the real world. They do not cover their face with a mask, but with their faking smile on face. They could be your friends, lover, or even bosom friends. As what I have said before, the phantom is scary for no one knows about him, however don't you think those phantoms with faking smile masks are much more terrible? We know, we should stand far away from the phantom when seeing his mask, however, how when you face a smiling face in real life? Should you stand far away? Or smile to him or her, then get closer? The best method is to prepare yourself a perfect mask, hide yourself under it, and observe the people in front of you. By that, no one dare to give you a sudden attack for they never know about who is stronger, you or him, or her. The rule of the game is: you might be the loser if you step into a community without any mask on your face. Don't wait to be attacked by anyone, it isn't fun, instead, you go first, then you decide, whether attack or not.

Yes, I believe that there might have someone treat you with real face, but the "someone" is too hard to be met. If you find the "someone", you are lucky; if not, it is just normal.

However, I wish that all of us are the lucky one.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Say HI to the world =)

A boring afternoon without anything to do, here comes the way i start my blogging life. Actually, i had been registered a Blogspot account before when i was in secondary school. I wrote in Mandarin yet it couldn't last for a long time. I guess, I was just blogging continuously for two weeks time then no more feeling energetics to continue it. Well, since blogging is now becoming a part of my course work marks, I have to start it again.

I am currently 18 years old, my name is Vincent. I am from a small village in Selangor, so called as Sungai Besar. That is a place located at seaside, major part from residents works as fisherman, but not my family. For sure, this place famous with its fresh seafood.

By the time I grew up, I know that this is a realism world which people judge the other by his or her wealth, a rich guy and a poor one will always being treated differently. The society is not that magnificent as in our mind. My goal of life is to make myself rich with my own knowledge, from this, at least I can protect my family and let them to live a comfortable life. I need a good job, a complete family, money and love as well.

For me, I enjoy writing sometimes. I did write several novels in Mandarin when i was in secondary school. In my experience, I believe that writing is always a best method to express one's emotion correctly and gracefully. When you are really addicted to certain writing, you can even have the same feeling with the writer. You will know the reason they sad and then you cry; you may smile because of the happy ending of a story. Some more, completing a writing could bring the sense of achievement and, I enjoy the sense =)